Common Questions about Complete Smile Dental in Hyderabad

A complete smile design is a type of dental treatment that involves giving the patients a shiny, bright smile. If you don’t know much about complete smile dental in Australia, the following are some of the most commonly asked questions on the subject matter to help you out.

Who Should Go for Complete Smile Dental?

You can benefit from complete smile dental if you fit the following profile.

  • You want to appear younger than your age. A proper smile eliminates several years from your looks.
  • Your current facial features don’t allow you to smile properly.
  • Your self-esteem is hurt due to your improper smile.
  • You are serious about how you appear in front of your friends, family members, and co-workers.
  • You want to boost your career. According to a survey, more than 73% of adults with improved smile end up with better careers.
  • You like to take regular care of your dental hygiene.
  • You would love to stay away from dental diseases.

How Much Does Complete Smile Dental Take?

Dental smile transformations vary. For some, it takes a few weeks of treatment, but for others, the treatment may extend to several months. If you have an adequate bite and healthy gums, three weeks are enough for your smile transformation.

On the other hand, if you need a gum lift, then a dental surgeon has to wait till the gums are fully healed. This may take around ten weeks before the procedure can be started.

If dental implants are part of the equation, then you might even have to wait for as long as a year. This is because in case of implants, you have to wait till they are fused to your bone and your surgical sites are healed completely.

Is It Safe for Smokers?

For a smoker, it depends on which procedures are needed for their treatment plan. However, usually, smokers do suffer more from the gum or periodontal disease. Similarly, smoking restricts the ability of teeth to remain white. In the case of dental implants, there is a considerable failure rate as it increases the risk of osseointegration.

Complete Smile Dental in India

If you are sure this dental treatment can benefit you, you can consider complete smile dental in India. Visit Dr. Motiwala Dental Clinic & Implant Center so he can improve your smile and make it appear brighter and prettier.