How Much is Dental Bone Graft Cost in India? Save Up To 80%!

Dental Bone Graft Cost in India is Zero! Yes, You Read It Right!

In regions where bone loss has occurred, a dental bone graft adds volume and solidity to your jaw. The bone graft material can either be extracted from your own body or acquired from a human or animal tissue bank. The bone transplant material may be synthetic in some cases.

The dental bone graft cost in India or any country varies substantially depending on the condition of the patient’s jawbone and his or her specific dental needs. The cost of a simple graft utilizing synthetic bone ranges from $300 to $800 per implant area. If the patient’s own bone is used in the transplant, the patient must be admitted to the hospital for the bone to be retrieved, as well as an orthopedic surgeon and anesthesiologist, all of which further adds to the cost.

This procedure is predicted to cost between $2,500 and $3,500.Additional charges for X-rays, CT scans, and other screening procedures are expected to be between $250 and $1,000.all, bone grafting for dental implants is extremely expensive and the process can also be very painful and uncomfortable.

How to Avoid a Bone Graft Surgery?

Basal implants are the solution to your dilemma if you want to avoid the painful bone graft process and save on high dental bone graft cost in India.

Implant dentistry has advanced and come full circle in terms of the need for bone grafting. For any bone volume shortfall in the early years of implant dentistry, bone grafting was commonly used. The very successful basal implants and pteryg oid implants have completely eliminated the need for bone augmentation now.

Native or original cortical bone is more than adequate now for dental implants if we use basal and pterygoid implants.With the use of basal and pterygoid implants in Permanent teeth in 3 daysTM, there is no need for a bone graft, sinus lift, or extensive surgeries like block grafting. The dental bone graft cost in India is thus significantly decreased, as is the time it takes to complete the procedure.

Permanent Teeth in 3 DaysTM procedure by Dr. Motiwala involves the placement of a 14-tooth zirconia bridge on 10 to 12 implants per arch. The 14 teeth on each side, including the two molars that are functionally important, allow for proper chewing. Pterygoid implants offer strong anchoring, avoiding cantilevers and allowing back molars to function.

There is no need for a sinus lift or bone transplant because Swiss basal implants (Roott and Ihde Dentistry) are used.

Inside the 100% zirconia bridge, there are no metal structures or copings. To avoid chipping, it is fairly firm in the rear teeth. It has fine aesthetic ceramic in the anterior teeth for a translucent, natural-looking appearance. Our high-tech in-house laboratory uses high-precision CAD/CAM technology to build the zirconia bridge.

On the first day, the procedure comprises tooth extraction if necessary and immediate implant insertion. The zirconia bridge is the result of multiple experiments based on the needs of the patient. Depending on the severity of the smile design, the zirconia bridge can be implanted in 3 to 5 days.

Permanent Teeth in 3 DaysTM is a single-sitting treatment or process that requires the patient to visit the clinic for three to five days and significantly reduces the dental bone graft cost in India for dental implants, thus reducing the financial burden as well as the pain associated with bone grafting surgeries.

Advantages of Basal Implants

Basal & Pteryoid implants are a painless, fast, safe, and come with several benefits.

  • Bone graft or Sinus lift is not required
  • Single-piece implants
  • Immediate loading of implants
  • Minimal surgical invasion
  • No risk of peri-implantitis
  • High success rate
  • Save additional dental bone graft cost in India

Complications Associated with Bone Graft

    • Healing is uncertain (volume decrease is always present)
    • Infections that develop during therapy
    • The original native bone is not as robust as it should be
    • The dental bone graft cost in India is considerably high
    • Unnecessary surgical intervention
    • Treatment takes a long time to complete (6 to 12 months)

So, What is Your Best Option?

Who doesn’t enjoy discounts and savings? You may look for dental bone graft cost in India on the internet, but the offers may not always be available. Dental clinics in India may provide limited-time discounts occasionally.

Dr. Motiwala’s Exclusive Dental Tourism Package Deal

  • Total Cost: USD $18,000
  • Procedure: Full Mouth Dental Implants with Permanent Teeth in 3 Days(TM)
  • Dental Holiday Destination: Hyderabad, India
  • Dentist: Dr. Irfan Motiwala, BDS, MDS, Fellow (I.S.O.I.), Diplomate (ICOI – USA), Oral & Maxillofacial surgeon, Certified Implantologist


Package Inclusions:

  • Consultation
  • 3D CT Scan
  • Blood Test and Medical Checkup
  • 10 Swiss Basal Implant in upper jaw
  • 2 Pterygoid Implants in upper jaw
  • 10 Swiss Basal Implant in lower jaw
  • Permanent fixed NexxZr zirconia prosthesis
  • Zero dental bone graft cost in India
  • All the Extractions as required
  • Hyderabad Airport Pickup and Drop-off
  • Local Transportation

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Contact Dr. Motiwala Dental Clinic & Implant Center at +91 99596 14584 to discuss your treatment options and save money by choosing Dr. Motiwala for permanent dental implants. Fill out the enquiry form on our CONTACT US page, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible with all the information you want.

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