Porcelain veneers are a great way to improve your smile or even change it completely. They cover the surface of the teeth that people can see. This lets us change how we look and hide or cover up many different smile problems. With veneers and implants, Dr. Motiwala has changed the look of thousands of smiles.
How Do Veneers “Fix” Smiles?
Because veneers cover the part of the tooth that people can see, and because we can change their shape, color, and size, we can completely change the way a person’s smile looks. Since veneers don’t move the teeth underneath, the final result depends on how the teeth are already set up. We’ll talk about that when we talk about problems with your smile that veneers can’t fix. Start with the ones that can be fixed.
Which Smile Problems Can Veneers Fix?
In general, veneers can fix most problems with your smile that are only about how it looks. This means that veneers can’t fix problems with your smile like cavities and gum disease, which are caused by diseases deeper in your mouth. Veneers are also limited by how a tooth is already set up. This is why we use the words “mild” or “minor” to describe some of the problems below.
Discolored Teeth
Some teeth don’t do well when they are whitened. If you’ve tried to whiten your teeth and didn’t like the results, you might want to think about porcelain veneers. In a way, porcelain veneers are like a way to whiten your teeth for good. Glazing the porcelain is the last step in making porcelain veneers in a dental lab. This glaze creates the smoothest, shiniest possible surface, which is resistant to external stains. Porcelain has a higher resistance to staining than tooth enamel and all other dental materials.
In cases of severe internal staining, like that caused by tetracycline antibiotics, the veneer process involves removing the outer layer of enamel. This extra layer of porcelain helps cover up the dark color underneath so it doesn’t show through the veneer.
Minor Crowding
If your teeth have minor crowding, veneers can give the appearance of perfectly straight teeth. The word “minor” is important here. If there are areas with teeth overlapping or severely rotated teeth, veneers will not give a flawless appearance. When teeth have major rotations or overlapping, it causes them to appear narrower. Veneers are unable to widen those teeth while they remain in their crowded state.
If your teeth are very close together, Dr. Motiwala may suggest that you straighten them with Invisalign first. Some people find that once their teeth are straight, they don’t need veneers at all! Others find that Invisalign corrects severe crowding so veneers are a great option.
Some Small Spaces or Gaps
Similar to how easy it is to fix crowding with veneers, minor spacing or gaps are also easy to fix with veneers. Our dentists are experts at smile design. This means they know what size teeth will look best with each person’s face and smile. When there are gaps between teeth, the width of the porcelain veneers needed to hide or “close” the gaps depends on how big the gaps are. If the gaps are big, veneers would make the teeth look too wide and give the smile an unnatural look if they were used to close them. Dr. Motiwala takes exact measurements to figure out the final size of the veneer. They can also try it out to see if the width looks natural while filling in all the gaps.
Again, you can use Invisalign to close the gaps if they are too big. You can even just fill in some of the spaces to make them small enough that veneers can be used to make a beautiful result.
Chipped and Uneven Teeth
If you clench or grind your teeth at night, the biting surface of your teeth may chip or get shorter over time. If the bottom edge of your upper front teeth looks rough or uneven, veneers can fix what was lost.
The most important thing to know about this smile problem and how veneers can fix it is that the veneers themselves can chip or wear down. If you notice that you clench or grind your teeth at night, you can get a nightguard to protect your new smile. It’s your job to put it on every night. If you don’t, you could damage or lose your new veneers.
Teeth that are Misshapen or Too Small
Many people end up with teeth that are the wrong size or shape for the rest of their smile. The teeth on either side of your two front teeth, called lateral incisors, are often very small or shaped like a small peg. People with this abnormal tooth development know that their teeth look “funny,” and they don’t like it. Veneers are the best way to change the shape and size of a tooth or teeth that aren’t normal. Talk to Dr. Motiwala about how veneers can help fix these teeth.
Which Smile Problems Cannot be Fixed with Veneers?
As was hinted at earlier, veneers can’t fix everything. Most of the time, you’ll need more treatment to get the smile you want. This just means that you and Dr. Motiwala need to have a detailed talk about which dental treatments can help you reach your goals.
Severe Crowding or Spacing
Because severe overlapping, rotation, or gaps make veneers too small, they are not the best way to fix these orthodontic problems. The best thing you can do for your smile is to move your teeth with Invisalign or another orthodontic treatment. This is better than trying to make your teeth look too thin or too wide because of how they are positioned.
Extensive Tooth Decay
Small and thin, veneers are made of porcelain. For support and long life, they need a strong tooth underneath. If the front teeth have a lot of decay (big cavities), they are too weak to be good candidates for veneers. Full porcelain crowns, which are much stronger, will need to be used on the teeth.
Missing Teeth
We can’t use veneers to hold false teeth in place like a bridge. Talk to Motiwala about dental implants if you have missing teeth that you can see when you smile. With implants, we can make replacement teeth look as natural as possible and fit them perfectly into your dream smile.
Gummy Smile
When there is too much gum tissue, veneers won’t be enough to change the look of a gummy smile. To move the gumline to the right place, you need an extra treatment called crown lengthening or gingivectomy. Then, if you want to change the look of your teeth themselves, you can use porcelain veneers.
Loose Teeth or Gum Recession
For porcelain veneers to last for a long time, they need a solid base. If your gums are receding a lot or any of your front teeth are loose, that must be fixed before any cosmetic work can begin. That doesn’t mean you’ll never be able to get veneers. Just make sure your gums and bones are healthy first.
More Questions about Veneers?
Call Dr. Motiwala Dental Clinic & Implant Centre right away to set up an appointment with Dr. Motiwala to talk about veneers. He can answer any questions you have and help you figure out if veneers are the best way to get the smile you want.
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